aandreev.net :: Andrey Andreev :: CV

Andrey Andreev, PhD

Postdoctoral scholar
David Prober lab

email: me@aandreev.net

aandreev0 aandr314 linkedin
Current location: Los Angeles, California
Spawn: Saint-Petersburg, USSR

Currently at Caltech (October 2019—):
  • Light-sheet microscopy: zebrafish brain activity and sleep neuroscience
  • Better sciencing: data management, design, analysis

    PhD at USC (2012—2019):
  • Development of a toolbox for global functional brain imaging of wake and sleep states in zebrafish, PhD thesis defense June 10, 2019

    Publications (Google Scholar page):
  • Biophotonics and Biosensing. Chapter 4. Fluorescence microscopy, Elsevier 2024
  • Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy. Chapter 12. Light-Sheet Microscopy Technology in the Multiuser
    Environment of a Core Imaging Facility – Practical Considerations
    , Wiley 2024
  • Analyzing calcium imaging data using Python, Focal Plane 2023
  • First steps into the cloud: Using Amazon data storage and computing with Python notebooks, PLOS One 2023
  • First steps for presentation and analysis of calcium imaging data, Focal Plane 2022
  • CAD we share? Publishing reproducible microscope hardware, Nature Methods 2022
  • Research Culture: Welcome to the lab, eLife 2022 (twitter thread with examples)
  • Regional synapse gain & loss accompany memory formation in larval zebrafish, PNAS 2022 (featured in Wired)
  • Biologists need modern data infrastructure on campus, aRxiv 2021
  • Opinion: Consult Researchers When Designing Lab Buildings, TheScientist 2021 (twitter thread with examples)
  • Open-source thermometer and other environmental sensors for the lab (Online demo), bioRxiv 2021
  • A biologist’s checklist for calcium imaging and optogenetic analysis, Focal Plane 2021
  • Two-photon microscopy and the $100,000 question: tunable or fixed-wavelength femtosecond laser?, Laser Focus World 2020
  • Neuropeptide VF neurons promote sleep via the serotonergic raphe, eLife 2020
  • Macropinocytosis-mediated membrane recycling drives neural crest migration by delivering F-actin to the lamellipodium, PNAS 2020
  • Practical Guide to Storage of Large Amounts of Microscopy Data, 2020
  • High-contrast, synchronous volumetric imaging with selective volume illumination microscopy, 2020
  • Eavesdropping on Biological Processes with Multi-dimensional Molecular Imaging, 2018
  • Genetic and neuronal regulation of sleep by neuropeptide VF, 2017

  • Talks & Conferences:
  • Technical oversharing: going beyond 'methods' section — sharing technical knowledge through publishing technical notes, 2022
  • Computer-aided design (CAD) helps build and share design of experimental setups, Neuromatch 3.0, 2020
  • Raw data storage is terrible and we can fix it, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference, 2020
  • Using computer-assisted design for the development of custom two-photon light-sheet microscope, Photonics Online Meetup, 2020
  • Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting posters: 2015, 2016 (posters), 2017 (dynamic poster)
  • Biophysical Society meeting platform talk, March 2016

  • Teaching & mentoring:
  • Invited lectures: USC (2021), Weizmann (2021)
  • Bi23 Workshop at Caltech (2021) feature in Caltech Magazine
  • 2012-2021 Supervising HS/undergraduates (6), PhD rotation students (3)

  • Small projects:
  • 2023 What/Where guide to LA restaraunts
  • 2021 Laser alignment demo
  • 2021 Template for welcoming new PhD students to the lab
  • 2020 Split-screen for PDF files splitscreen.aandreev.net
  • 2019 Project management and design tips for academia: Extreme Sciencing blog
  • 2017 Tool to help you concentrate Shut Up and {Write|Read|Code|Study}
  • 2016 Organize your image contest at ImageContest.org
  • 2009 Molecular and Cell Biology GRE test preparation blog MCB Q&A

  • Service and Volunteering:
  • 2022 International Microscopy Hour together with UCSF and HUJI scienstists micro-hour.net
  • 2021 Applicaiton review for SURF Summer Caltech program
  • 2019 Poster judging for SURF Summer Caltech program
  • 2015-2017 Support of fliptrap.org
  • 2015-2019 Build and support of shared lab storage for >200TB, >5 projects, >15 users
  • 2016 SEF Lab retreat image contest
  • 2013- Volunteering at Theater Games studio
  • 2017-2018 Volunteering at Inner-City Arts
  • 2018-2019 Volunteering as event photographer Pasadena Heritage
  • 2009 Subtitles translation into Russian for TED

  • Conferences:
  • 2020 Neuromatch 3.0
  • 2020 Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Conference
  • 2020 Photonics Online Meet-up @ Twitter
  • 2018 Neuroscience Annual Meeting @ San Diego, CA
  • 2017 Neuroscience Annual Meeting @ Washington, DC
  • 2016 Neuroscience Annual Meeting @ San Diego, CA
  • 2016 Biophysics Annual Meeting @ LA, CA
  • 2016 Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop @ Berkeley, CA
  • 2015 Neuroscience Annual Meeting @ Chicago, IL
  • 2014 Zebrafish Conference @ Madison, WI
  • 2014 Biophysics Annual Meeting @ SF, CA

  • Education:
  • 2012-2019 PhD, Biomedical Engineering, UCS (Los Angeles, USA)
  • 2007-2011 B.S. (Physics), Dept. of Biophysics, State Polytechnical University (St.Petersburg, Russia)
  • 2010-2010 Summer program (Mol. Biology; Physiology) Stanford University (plus work at Dr.Moerner's lab)

  • Travels:
  • Europe: Helsinki, Paris, Lisboa, Tallinn, Kiev
  • US: San-Francisco & Bay Area, Urbana-Champaign, St. Louis, NYC, Chicago, Madison@WI, San Diego
  • Russia: Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod, Vyborg, Sarov, Bay Area

  • Photography

    Oleg Andreev

    Hosted on Dreamhost


    February 17, 2019

    System Olympia @ NTS Radio (03.02.17)

    April 22, 2017

    March 29, 2017

    February 17, 2017

    January 21, 2017

    January 6, 2017

    December 31, 2017

    December 25, 2016

    December 1st, 2016

    November 11, 2016

    November 8, 2016

    October 7, 2016


    September 22, 2016

    September 5, 2016

    August 31, 2016

    October 14, 2015

    Focus group of your presentation:

    July 22, 2015

    July 18, 2015

    Things that are OK to google:

  • 'tilde in latex'

    July 15, 2015

    Not using brain considered harmful

    • not having backup
    • not having RAID
    • having ill-conceived plans with ill-defined outcomes
    • present data as movie and scroll through frames
    • don't think about end goal and/or end user
    one wing to suicide

    July 10, 2015

    Grad school is a harsh mistress

    July 7, 2015

    For God's sake, let us sit upon the ground
    And tell sad stories of the death of kings

    July 3, 2015

    Wait till the debates. Elections in six weeks, Mr. President. The world was created in a lot less time.

    Well, one day I'll buy you a beer and you'll tell us all how you did it.

    Thank you, sir.